
Modern International Relations and Soft Power Strategy


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course on Modern International Relations and Soft Power Strategy, and the impacts thereof on foreign policy as well as economic, social and diplomatic relations that will keep countries in a state of power on an ongoing basis.

Modern International Relations have widely changed in line with the vast modern alteration of the world order, so that every political entity is largely integrated and interconnected with others in the global political system. International Relations are based on solid connections and mutual interdependence between countries on political levels and aspects of cooperation. Each state considers only its own strength and security because it is in a system based on self-defense. It seeks prestige among other states in the universal political regime, especially the independence of its decision, based on the compatibility of interests between countries.

International Relations are based on solid connections and mutual interdependence between countries. Each state considers only its own strength and security because it is in a system based on self-defense. It seeks prestige among other states in the universal political regime, especially the independence of its decision, based on the compatibility of interests between countries.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • Personnel and officials in the Diplomatic Sector.
  • Formal Officers in charge of International Agreements.
  • Directors of International Relations Offices.
  • Staff in international organizations.
  • Employees of government institutions related to economic functions.
  • Students and graduates of colleges and institutes of Political Science and International Relations.
  • Graduates of International Relations Departments.


Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • Foundations and standards of state relations.
  • The meaning of hard power and soft power and the difference between them.
  • Why it is not good to use one type and one style of international relations.
  • The optimal time for change in foreign policies.
  • The extent to which a country is capable of influencing another country through the use of soft power policy and directing its choices based on its cultural and social system and its system of values ​​and institutions.
  • The role of media, propaganda, and cultural hegemony on the success of soft power policy.
  • Trade exchange and signing of international agreements and their impact on diplomacy.

Course Content

  • The concept of international relations, and the rules governing them.
  • Foreign policy, international politics and international relations.
  • Introduction to modern international relations.
  • Definition of international relations and its fields.
  • The development of international relations throughout the ages.
  • Analyzing current events and their impact on the international arena.
  • International relations theories.
  • Realism, liberalism, national structure, and the world order approach.
  • Main ideas and concepts in theories of international relations.
  • Critical analysis of theories and their application to current international situations.
  • Soft power strategy.
  • Definition of soft power and its importance in international relations.
  • The main components of soft power: culture, diplomacy, education and media.
  • Recent case studies of soft power in the world.
  • The role of diplomacy in achieving international goals.
  • The process of negotiating and drafting international contracts.
  • International agreements and their importance within the framework of international relations.
  • International security and its current challenges.
  • The role of alliances and international organizations in maintaining international security.
  • International cooperation in combating modern security threats.
  • The role of the media and social media in transferring soft power.
  • The role of public diplomacy in strengthening international relations.
  • Case studies on successful advertising campaigns.
  • The role of higher education and cultural institutions.
  • Preserving cultural heritage and languages.
  • The role of economy and trade in building soft power.
  • Foreign direct investments and their impact on international relations.
  • Case studies on successful soft economies.
  • The role of tourism and sporting events in transferring soft power.
  • Arts and culture as a means of cultural exchange.
  • Creativity and literature as elements for spreading soft power.
  • Analyze examples of the use of soft power in international relations.
  • Study successful experiences and models in the field of soft power strategy.
  • Apply concepts and techniques in practical situations.
  • Challenges facing soft power strategy in the modern era.
  • The future of soft power strategy with technological advancement.
  • Future trends in the field of international relations.
  • Practical applications and case studies.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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